The Story of John’s Chalice
As my mother became bed-ridden, I wanted to give her Holy Communion, since we are Catholic. I started to research it on the internet, to see if it was Ok for me to do it myself at home, or if I needed a priest. It seemed like it was split 50/50 on whether it was ok or not.
In the meantime, I purchased a Chalice, a Platter with Hosts, and a Religious Candle from Amazon (shown above).
One day, one of the Caretakers that had been caring for my mother told me that she was going to pray for mom. I asked her if she was religious, and she said yes, she was a Catholic. I told her so were we, and how I had been looking into giving mom Holy Communion. Amazingly, she pulled out a small purse that had Hosts and Prayer cards! What are the odds? We took mom out back and under a beautiful blue sky gave mom Communion. She said she would not give it to me since I can go to church myself! It worked, and I’m now getting it myself at Church!
I was so inspired by what had happened that I wanted to write a song! I went to my music journal where I had tried to write some religious songs years before, and gave up. The words were already there! I rearranged some versus and realized it wasn’t a song, it was a prayer! A Caretaker’s Prayer.
I put the words onto Parchment with Pen and Ink, and drew my Chalice, Platter with Hosts, and the Candle.

The Carpenter represents the young Jesus, learning to become a man. The Fisherman is Jesus having learned wisdom from the lessons of life. The Preacher is Jesus riding a Donkey into Jerusalem, and the Man is Jesus on the Cross, stripped of everything but his Faith!
He will guide all of us, and help all of us when he can. The next verse turns to you. You must keep your Faith.
Your Last Tomorrow. I didn’t say your last Day, I said your last Tomorrow, because we live for Tomorrow and a brighter future.
Returning to the story, on Mom’s last tomorrow I came down to checked on her and she wasn’t breathing. I took her pulse and couldn’t feel anything. I then took the Pulse Oximeter and it read 98% Oxygen and 45 Beats per Minute. As her heart gave out it couldn’t push the Oxygen rich blood through her body. Whatever happened, I was there with her as she left, and I know Jesus was waiting, just for her.
After a few days, the Funeral Home asked me to provide a Saint to put on the prayer card for the funeral. I asked the Caretaker who had given mom Communion, and she told me about her favorite Saint. I was ready to use her suggestion, when at the last minute I looked up “Patron Saint of Caretakers” on the internet. Much to my amazement, it was Saint John, and the image of him holding a Chalice!
As if there weren’t enough already, we received one more sign. I cleaned up the room where mom had passed, and set up a table with the Chalice, the Platter with Hosts, and the Candle. When I turned on the light, the light reflected off the Platter and on to the Candle to illuminate a Chalice! I didn’t know there was a Chalice on the Candle, as evidenced by my drawing of it on the Caretaker’s Prayer.
If I never see another sign again, I know mom is with Jesus. I know it!
John F. Bergin
February, 2024